Mission Statement
Hashomer Hatzair USA encourages youth to build progressive Jewish values, explore connections to Israel and the Jewish community, and develop a commitment to social, environmental, and economic justice in a setting characterized by youth leadership and collective responsibility.
Through year-round programming and summer activities at Camp Shomria, each age group, led by young guides, learns and grows together in an environment that promotes and models youth leadership, personal maturation, cooperation, and a passion for social justice.
Hashomer Hatzair is based on three fundamental pillars: Socialism, Progressive Zionism, and Humanistic Judaism. Essential to our beliefs is that we engage in a continuous process of re-examination that responds to changing context and environment.
Hashomer Hatzair socialism rests on the belief that humans are free, creative beings who deserve to live in a society that empowers them to develop themselves to their fullest potential. We take as central values social, economic, and political equality and justice.
We must be socially responsible in all facets. In order to achieve this we put an emphasis on education about other cultures, the role of consumption and over-consumption, as well as the functioning of global and national politics. We teach Chanichimot to live according to the values of humanistic socialism, both within our movement and outside of it, furthering the equitable treatment of people.

Progressive Zionism
Hashomer Hatzair's Zionism stems from the belief that all peoples deserve a right to self-determination, and that Israel is the expression of Jewish self-determination. Our vision is to create and maintain a self-critical balance between a socialist, Jewish society and a pluralistic, democratic and secular state that ensures social justice for all people living on the land.
Hashomer Hatzair educates its chanichim/ot to have a base of knowledge in order tounderstand Israel-Palestine today, its heritage and the relevance of their connection to it. Programs need to include dialogue that is done under a pluralist and critical viewpoint.
Humanistic Judaism
Hashomer Hatzair's Judaism is a stream of Judaism and is based on the Jewish culture and ourHumanistic approach. Our morals derive primarily from our sense of responsibility and respect to humankind. We believe in and practice a form of active Judaism that encourages everyone to give personal meaning to their Judaism within the Shomeric community.
Hashomer Hatzair extends knowledge in Jewish heritage, classical and modern Jewishliterature and teaches about Jewish history, culture and traditions. The Shomeric activities fitthe Jewish cycle of life including traditions. Hashomer Hatzair members will constantly review and, if needed, renew the Jewish traditions according to the current philosophy of the Chaverim. Our Judaism is open to every person that feels part of the ideals and is willing to take part in it.