Cancellation & Refund Policy

We understand that plans change and that you may not be able to attend the program you enrolled for! At the same time, a significant cost of camp is invested before the program date. Therefore, our cancellation & refund policy, below, varies depending on the amount of advanced notice you are able to provide.

For Mosh Kayitz, Summer Camp:

Cancellation Timeline:

Before February 1st: Full refund minus a $25 processing fee.

Before May 1st: Refund except for a non-refundable deposit of $250.

Before July 1st: Pay $250 deposit, receive a 50% refund on the remainder of the tuition.

During Camp: Pay in full for the camper's time at camp. If a camper needs to leave early due to medical/family emergency reasons, a pro-rated refund for missed days may be considered at the discretion of the camp administration (up to 35% of daily tuition for missed days).

Deposit Policy:

A deposit of $250 is required upon enrollment to secure a place at camp. This deposit covers initial administrative and planning costs. If a camper cancels before February 1st, they will receive a full refund including this deposit, minus a $25 processing fee. 

During Camp Policy:

If a camper cancels during their stay, they are responsible for paying the full amount for the days attended. A partial refund may be considered for missed days due to medical reasons, in accordance with the outlined conditions.


In the event of a medical/family/emotional emergency that necessitates early departure, the camp administration may consider a partial refund of up to 35% of the daily tuition for the missed days. This refund is subject to verification of the medical reason and the discretion of the camp.


This policy aims to strike a balance between the needs of families and the financial responsibilities of the camp. By implementing a tiered refund structure and maintaining a clear deposit policy, we can better manage our resources while providing families with a fair cancellation process.

Communication and Transparency:

The cancellation policy will be clearly communicated to all families upon enrollment. It will also be available on our website and in our camp handbook for easy reference.

Review and Adjustment:

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it aligns with the camp's financial needs and continues to meet the expectations of our camp community. Adjustments may be made as necessary with consideration of feedback from families and operational requirements.

By adopting this proposed cancellation policy, Camp Shomria aims to foster a supportive environment for families while maintaining the integrity and sustainability of our camp operations. We believe this policy will contribute to a positive experience for all campers and their families, promoting transparency and fairness throughout the enrollment process.


For Any Weekend Event

Peulat Stav, Lag Ba'Omer, Family Camp

In the event that you must cancel for any reason at least two weeks prior to the start of an event, we will refund the amount paid, less a $100 processing fee per child.  We cannot refund fees for any cancellation that is made less than two weeks prior to the start date of the event.


For Mosh Choref:

Since our Winter Camp takes place in an external location from our camp, we have to abide by the rules of that organization.

In the event that you must cancel for any reason at least three weeks prior to the start of Mosh Choref, we will refund the amount paid, less a $150 processing fee per child.  We cannot refund fees for any cancellation that is made less than three weeks prior to the start date of Mosh Choref.