Shomria Valentine
This Valentine's Day, we bring to you a Shomria love story! Except for it's not a story... it's the real life of Chaya Herzberg and David Kurland!
Few things make us happier than to see how this movement and camp have impacted people in their relationships, values, and life trajectory. Chazak Ve'Ematz!

Chaya & David at Shomria during the 2018 Reunion
Chaya and David met in Liberty in 1974. He was from the Philadelphia Ken and she was from the Spring Valley Ken; they were both in Shichvat Galon. They actually didn't date while at Shomria, but met again during their Shnat year in Israel. At that time, Chaya was in Machon in Jerusalem and David was in ulpan and working on Kibbutz Ein Dor.
After the year in Israel, they both visited Shomria during Family Day. That when they realized... Chaya and David were headed to the same university (UPenn) and were going to live in the same college dorm building (Van Pelt House)!! By spring semester they were dating, and married in 1984.
"We have been to all the reunions since! We have two kids and are in touch with MANY Shomrim. We both belonged briefly to Garin Adamit. We also did both did Sharut LaAm to Ramat Hashikma in Tel Aviv in the summer of 1982.
We last visited Israel with both our child and friends from Habonim (they met at Kibbutz Gezer) and their kids in early 2000 ish. We have been to Poland and specifically Warsaw and Mila Street.
Hashomer Hatzair has an amazing force in our lives and we have made many of the values part of the traditions we created with our children. Tolerance, tzdaka (charity), sharut la'am, tikkun olam, and more"
- Chaya Herzberg
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