Shomeric Light: Yetta Chilton

As part of our Hanukkah celebration, we are highlighting different members of our community who have been beacons of light in the past year. 

Today, we're shining a light on Yetta Chilton, a chanicha in the New York Ken. She is from a Shomria family, and is so committed to Mosh! Yetta always brings positive energy and will be in Tzofim Gimmel this summer.

Yetta and Becca on Tiyul

How long have you been part of Hashomer Hatzair?

  • I’ve been a member of Hashomer Hatzair for 7 years now!

What makes you excited about being part of this community?

  • What makes me excited to be a part of this community is to always have a place in a community where I feel at home and To be able to come back to the best people I’ve ever met. 

What do you most connect to in this movement?

  • I connect the most to the message it sends. Youth is the lead of the future and education to be better is everything!

What's your favorite Mosh memory?

  • One of My favorite mosh memories was this summer when my kvutza had our final Shabbat skit and we jumped in the pool all together and tied the win!

What are your hopes for the movement? 

  • My hopes for the movement is for the message to be spread all around the world and for mosh to be a place of comfort to people like it is to me because it really is my home away from home.

If you would like to submit a spotlight, click here. 

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