Shomeric Light: Roni Shaham

As part of our Hanukkah celebration, we are highlighting different members of our community who have been beacons of light in the past year.

On the last night of Hanukkah, we highlight Roni Shaham. Roni is part of a long line of Shomrim (4 generations!), his mom is on the Board of Directors, and both of his older brothers were Roshei Chinuch. Roni himself has been a chanich for years, and finally went on Yedid this past summer. He's now in hadracha and is Rosh Ken in NYC!

Roni (right) and his brothers

What is your role in Hashomer Hatzair? 

  • My role in Hashomer Hatzair is co-Rosh Ken of New York along with Marvin. In that capacity I organize events and seminars for the kids within the city. Some of the biggest events of the year that I help run are the apple-picking ken, the upcoming ice skating ken, and a number of seminars for different kvutzot. 

What's your favorite Hashomer memory?

  • My favorite mosh memory is going out with Teva Chug into the lake and searching for a lost canoe in TzA. It was an incredible moment of adventure and I did it along with my best friends on the planet. To this day, my favorite place on the machane is the dock and its surrounding wilderness. 

What are your hopes for the movement?

  • My biggest hope for the movement in the US is that we're able to grow and become a bigger part of the Jewish-American community so that we're able to reach more kids and people, and also so that our voice can have a greater impact. In broader terms, I'd really love to see a return to Machanena, where every three or so years some Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians would come together on one of our machanot and spend a week together. 

If you would like to submit a spotlight, click here. 

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