A letter from Iky Salinas, Our New Development Manager

Dear Shomrim/ot

I have always felt a profound connection to Israel. As a child growing up in Connecticut, I remember hosting Israeli scouts almost every summer and listening to Israeli music all the time. I probably celebrated Yom Ha'atzmaut more than the 4th of July. 

I also remember feeling somewhat confused about how to express my connection to Israel. It was only when I joined Hashomer Hatzair at the age of 15, that I truly found my place. Through Hashomer, I discovered an avenue to express my Jewish self, in a way that would embrace my early love for Israel while fighting to change the aspects of Israel at which I knew it could do better. Hashomer Hatzair gave me a community, amazing experiences, and most importantly, an ideology that encompassed my values. This eventually led me to the decision of moving to Israel, where I would have the opportunity to work towards my Shomeric vision.

I lived in Israel from 2016 until April of 2024. I am proud of the difference that I made while I lived there. I worked with organizations and political parties like Meretz and the Hechalutz movement. I became an activist in the peacebuilding field, collaborating with incredible Israelis and Palestinians who are attempting to change the reality in the region. Much of who I am today is thanks to my time in the movement, and it is something I couldn’t be prouder of as I return to the United States. 

For those who don’t know me, I am Iky Salinas. I was born in Texas and spent most of my childhood in West Hartford, Connecticut. I also lived in Mexico City during high school. I made aliyah in 2016 where I received my bachelor's degree in political science and the history of the nation of Israel from the University of Haifa. I earned my master's degree in nonprofit management and leadership from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Most recently, I worked for MEET (Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow), an organization that teaches computer science and entrepreneurship skills to Israeli and Palestinian high school-aged teens. I spent much of my time outside of work engaged in political activism related to both Israel and the U.S. I was an elected member of Democrats Abroad Israel, as well as a member of the Meretz assembly.

I returned to the U.S. just a few months ago, to embark on a PhD program where I will research tools to measure impact in the Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding field at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. I hope to use the knowledge I will acquire to empower activists on the ground and create a more impactful peacebuilding field. I see Hashomer Hatzair as vital to this process. As a movement dedicated to social justice, I think Hashomer Hatzair is one of the most important voices in the diaspora today. As the new Development Manager of Hashomer Hatzair USA, I hope to augment this voice and support the growth and the development of this amazing movement.

Chizku Ve’imtzu


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